Wednesday, February 29, 2012


On Monday I decided to try the crossfit challenge from last week, 7 minutes of burpees (squat down, jump back to plank, push up w/chest and hips touching the ground, jump to hands, jump 6 inches off the ground). My did 82, so my goal was 83. I did 80. I started too conservatively. I did 35 in the first half and 45 in the second.

I got on the trainer Tuesday and had the best workout ever on the trainer. My average watts with warm-up, intervals, and cool down was 20 watts higher and more than double the duration then the race. The workout didn't require too much effort. Craziness!?!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy, busy

Time has flown by. I can't beleive it's been 3 weeks since my last post. Nothing too exciting going on in the last few weeks.

I raced my first indoor triathlon yesterday at the downtown Tacoma YMCA. The race was a 15 minute swim, 30 minute trainer ride, and a 2.22 mile run. I felt pretty good on the swim until about 800 meters. My legs started to turn into bricks. It was a 20 meter pool and they only counted down and back, so I finished with 1080 meters. I rested on the wall until the bullhorn sounded. Bike time started immediately. Actual bike time was less than 30 minutes because transition was included. I don't know what kind of trainers they were using, but I do know they were not accurate. It told me I averaged 19.9mph for the entire ride. I generated less power on Ironman races and went faster. Once time was called, I quickly transitioned to my running shoes and headed out the door. The run was flat for the first 400 meters, turned left and went up a solid 6%+ grade, left for 400m onto a slight downhill, left sharp downhill for 50 meters, left for 400m slightly up, right sharp downhill for 50m, then back to the start to loop around and repeat. I heard foot steps behind me in the first 100 meters. They slowly faded away once I took the first uphill. I settled into a good pace and continued to pull away from my chasers.

I ended up 5th with the fastest run split.

Monday, February 6, 2012

bull riding and a coyote

I biked a little, swam a little more, and ran even more. The sun came out Wednesday afternoon and stuck around for the week. I rode a mechanical bull for the first time. I cannot imagine riding a real bull. I don't know how long I stayed on, but it seemed like an eternity. I definitely would recommend wearing gloves.

I wasn't sure if Kona wanted to run yesterday afternoon. I let her run off leash earlier than normal, until I saw a coyote 100 meters ahead. I put Kona back on leash. I started running in that direction. The coyote ran into the woods when I was within 25 meters. He wasn't very skinny, so I assumed he has been eating well. I looked back as we passed the area and nothing in sight. I am sure he was watching us. (o--o)

I was rooting for the Patriots in the Superbowl yesterday. It was a close game. There were a couple of good commercials. My favorite was with a Great Dane and Doritos.