Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Support Crew is hard work!

Karen got lucky on the first picture. She happen to put the camera in the air and snap a picture of Lee coming out of his first loop. The second picture is Lee in swim-bike transition. The third picture is Lee smoking the run. The last picture is of the trio post race. Karen made us cool shirts to support Lee. It was a picture of a guy with a rocket booster sitting on a P3 with boom boom pow on the front. On the back was his race number and his real name "Rocketman".

Anyone who has ever supported a racer at an ironman, my hats off to you! It is hard work. I thought that I would be chillin and relaxing while Lee was out and about. Not so much! Karen made me extrapolate times to make sure we would see Lee. A couple of times Karen cheered so loudly, that a few of the racers actually jumped.

He had a great race. Not only did he beat his Arizona time, but he proved he can now run off the bike. He asked me, "Did you feel that?" I said, "Feel what?" He said, "As I passed 2nd year Bruce on the course, I spanked him on the ass at mile 18." I have to admit, that there is some funny stuff. Even you didn't know it, he has already calculated when our running times will intersect. March 2010. I can't wait!

We got back to Lakewood just before 8. We unpacked everything (mostly me). I chilled for a bit and went to go pick up Indy for a week of dog sitting.
Tuesday I had a nice swim in the morning. It felt really good after a day of no workouts. Later I went out for a hard ride followed by an easy run. Bike felt strong. My legs felt tired on the run.
This morning I had a rough swim. I felt good for the first part of the workout then faded fast. Karen put the smack down on me. Just to remind me how much faster she is than me. I ran in the afternoon. I felt pretty good, but didn't have enough energy. I called it a day. I will relax for the rest of the day and get ready for another good bike workout tomorrow.

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