Later that afternoon we headed out to ride around one of the most beautiful areas. The Thiel's introduced to a friend who lead us out on the ride. Brian said, "We get to see how the upper 0.05% live." The first part of the ride is slow because we have to ride on a bike path. There are people everywhere. Most of them are oblivious. Then we hit the coast. We were riding along the coast. It was awesome. After a few miles of the coast we hit 17 mile drive. There were homes that were not just big, but enormously gigantic. The views were spectacular.

The terrain was mostly flat until the about mile 10. There was a nice up section that started gradual and got steeper. Just when I thought we were cresting, there was another turn. Can you guess which way? Up of course. The grade did drop, so it wasn't too bad. Then the long cold downhill. The best part is we did the loop twice because we needed to ride for 2 1/2 hours. My navigational skills were right on par on the way back. Luckily one of us was paying attention. Crowieto wanted us to turn. I didn't think it was right, but I decided to oblige him. Sure enough, he was wrong. We turned around and continued on the right path. At the end of the ride there is a short hill 0.3 mile long. Bi333y is gonna get be a great hill climber since she has to ride that hill every time.
After the ride we quickly cleaned up and got dinner at Roy's. It was located on 17 mile drive. We saw an amazing sunset and listened to a bagpiper play.
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