I decided to take advantage of the great weather here in Coeur D'Alene. I saw a post on Slowtwitch looking for people riding the course. I replied with, "wanna be triathlete will be there trying to average 15-16 mph." I raced this course in 2007 & 2008 and average 20+mph. Someone else saw my reply and was interested. I wonder what happen to the original post. Was he intimidated by my raw power?
We left the hotel at 8:15AM and headed toward Lake Coeur D'Alene. The winds were stronger than I remember. I thought the big bad wolf was trying to huff and puff and blow me off the bike. I found a Chevron to stop at every 60-90 minutes. This worked out well for refueling. My goal for the ride was to be faster on the second loop. My power number was better, but the speed stayed the same. It seemed the winds picked up and changed directions on the way back.
I just missed Josh and Bi33y when I finished the ride. They were at the Olive Garden. I told them I would pay them 1 million pesos if they brought me some food back. They did, they did :-) I was so thankful. My arm just didn't taste so good.
Josh and I went to watch "Knight & Day" to give Bi333y peace and quiet. The movie was better than expected. The rest of the night will be low keyed. Tomorrow Bi3333y is gonna drop the hammer!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Swimmin in Lake Coeur D'Alene
This morning the weather sunny with a few clouds. After breakfast I headed to the lake for a swim. They no longer have a swim check in. GRRR!!! I walked back to the car to drop off all valuables, just in case someone wanted to walk away with my bag/towel. I decided to demo a new wetsuit. You cannot zip the wetsuit up, unless you have three arms. I had to ask a stranger for their name, blood type, and phone number (just in case they zipped me too tight ;-)). There were no buoys set up, so I would swim out a quarter mile then turn around. I managed to swim 2.3 miles. The water was a little choppy with a current on the way back and felt like 59. Typical swim conditions. I definitely prefer my XTERRA VENDETTA!!!
I was hoping to get back to the hotel for second breakfast, but no such luck. Elizabeth was ready to head over and get her race packet. We ran into Ray and Elizabeth. He is racing this weekend too. We then ate lunch at the Pita Pit. I almost managed a free strawberry smoothie. Nobody was claiming it until the employee walked outside. :-(
After lunch, we drove the course, picked up her bike, and stopped at the grocery store. I decided to go out for a short run.
Bi333y made me go to the athlete dinner :-( I kicked, screamed, and pouted to no avail. It was standing room only.
There was a guy who lost 190 pounds while training to finish the Ironman. His story was moving.
I have everything ready to ride the full course tomorrow. It will be fun!!!
I was hoping to get back to the hotel for second breakfast, but no such luck. Elizabeth was ready to head over and get her race packet. We ran into Ray and Elizabeth. He is racing this weekend too. We then ate lunch at the Pita Pit. I almost managed a free strawberry smoothie. Nobody was claiming it until the employee walked outside. :-(
After lunch, we drove the course, picked up her bike, and stopped at the grocery store. I decided to go out for a short run.
Bi333y made me go to the athlete dinner :-( I kicked, screamed, and pouted to no avail. It was standing room only.
There was a guy who lost 190 pounds while training to finish the Ironman. His story was moving.
I have everything ready to ride the full course tomorrow. It will be fun!!!
Kaptain Karen
I write workouts for one of my athletes. Since we are about the same in swimming ability, the workout have the same send-offs. I recently learned she created a team at the pool. There are 3-5 swimmers showing up for these great workouts. She charges them a drop fee. She even makes them call her Kaptain. What kind of poop is that?
I am at a little over 15k of swimming this week. The best workout of the week was on Wednesday. Rumor has it I was swimming faster than Kaptain Karen's team. The main set was 3x250s with a 50 kick that moved each set followed by a 100 cruise on 2. The set was repeated four times. The 100 swim, 50 kick 100 swim was always harder than the other 2. Now I know why I don't like swims that make you get out and run back in for another loop.
Yesterday, I did a quick bike workout before leaving for Coeur D'Alene. My legs were a little tired on the drive over. They felt better after a few hours of sitting in the car. The drive over was super exciting. I watch a movie on the DVD player and called everyone I knew in my contact list. I didn't even use blue tooth. Just Kidding. It was super boring. I pulled into Spokane Airport with an hour to spare.
One of the athletes I coach is racing at Ironman Coeur D'Alene on Sunday. The weather forecast is low 80s, which is the opposite of the rain and cold of last year. She is in peak form and ready to drop the hammer.
I am at a little over 15k of swimming this week. The best workout of the week was on Wednesday. Rumor has it I was swimming faster than Kaptain Karen's team. The main set was 3x250s with a 50 kick that moved each set followed by a 100 cruise on 2. The set was repeated four times. The 100 swim, 50 kick 100 swim was always harder than the other 2. Now I know why I don't like swims that make you get out and run back in for another loop.
Yesterday, I did a quick bike workout before leaving for Coeur D'Alene. My legs were a little tired on the drive over. They felt better after a few hours of sitting in the car. The drive over was super exciting. I watch a movie on the DVD player and called everyone I knew in my contact list. I didn't even use blue tooth. Just Kidding. It was super boring. I pulled into Spokane Airport with an hour to spare.
One of the athletes I coach is racing at Ironman Coeur D'Alene on Sunday. The weather forecast is low 80s, which is the opposite of the rain and cold of last year. She is in peak form and ready to drop the hammer.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday was a nice relaxing day. I went out for a short run with the dogs. I wanted to run slow, but the girls were on a different mission. I finally got over to the trails and let them off leash.
Yesterday, I swam 4k. My legs felt like anchors. I muscled my way through a few 400s.
This morning, I swam 3.3k mostly IM. I felt much better today.
I wanted to go for a ride this afternoon in the sunshine, which has been a rarity. Unfortunately, my stomach was feeling queasy all morning. I left work early and chilled at home.
Yesterday, I swam 4k. My legs felt like anchors. I muscled my way through a few 400s.
This morning, I swam 3.3k mostly IM. I felt much better today.
I wanted to go for a ride this afternoon in the sunshine, which has been a rarity. Unfortunately, my stomach was feeling queasy all morning. I left work early and chilled at home.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Cascades Edge Olympic - Jun 19
I woke up at 5 this morning. I cleaned up and was on the road by 515. The roads were wet from the rain overnight. Would I stay dry today? I pulled into the race site at 615. The good thing about getting the to race early is a good parking spot and first choice on the bike rack. I got everything set up and chilled in the car until warm-up.
As I was getting ready to ride the bike, I ran into several locals (Karen, Lisa, Megan, Jared, Ellina, Ross, Micah, Travis). They also informed me the swim would be cut in half due to the cold temp, 52. :-( I like cold water :-) I grabbed my bike and warmed up for 20 minutes. The roads were wet and it was misty outside, so definitely no sunglasses for the race. I threw in a few 30" hard efforts then back to transition. I decided to switch the direction my bike was facing to cut my transition time down during the race. I went out for a short run to loosen the legs. Everything was set up. Have you ever tried to put a wet suit on when your wet from the rain/sweat? I wrestled with it for 5 minutes and finally won. Once the sprint racers were off, I swam out to the first buoy to acclimate to the water. The temperature was perfect, for me. The girls went first. We waited 5 minutes and were off.
SWIM - 13:22 (800-900 meters) 8th overall
The swim went well. I tried to start right behind Jared. The key word tried. I started to catch some of the swimmers in the previous wave by the first buoy. The second buoy had a hard right turn. It took a couple of strokes to get the next buoy in sight. The swim felt strong. The brand new XTERRA VENDETTA was the main reason. No water in my wetsuit.
T1 - 1:33 2nd overall
As I ran up to my bike, I saw Ellina. I was taking off my wetsuit and heard Jared. I was very perplexed. I found out later, he was a little dizzy. Maybe he shouldn't have partied it up so hard last night. I put on my SPIUK, grabbed the LYNSKEY and did a Usain Bolt 100 meter sprint to the bike mount line.
BIKE - 1:04.15 (23.21mph) 8th overall
I was passed within the first mile by a guy who started out like he was being chased by a bear. I passed him back 2 miles later and never saw him again. I guess the bear had a taste of triathlete burger ;-) I was only passed by one other guy, who ended up as the eventual winner. I felt good on the bike. The course was relatively flat with several small rollers and false flats. I caught up to Karen around mile 12. I also saw Lisa, Jared, and Megan at the beginning of the out and back. Megan looked like a tiger chasing down her prey. Jared looked like he was doing tricks. I have never seen a guy ride on his handlebars during a race, very impressive. I think Lisa had NOZ. One second she was there, the next she was gone. I decided to test my bike handling skills as I weaved in and out of the cones. Actually, I had too much speed on the turn and veered into traffic. It was hard to tell who else was in front of me because of the duathletes racing.
T2 - 0:59 2nd overall
I dismounted, racked the bike, put on my NEWTONS, grabbed (visor, race belt and water bottle) and left transition all in under a minute. Try saying that 5 times fast.
RUN - 39:31 (6:35 pace) 12th Overall
I saw a 2 guys ahead of me within the first mile. I passed them both just after the first mile. During that time, I was also passed by 2 guys. One triathlete and one duathlete. I was back to zero on the overtaking of runners. I hit the turn around and saw a few people chasing me. I started to run scared. I tried to picture a guy with a chainsaw. It worked well until mile 5. I heard footsteps on the trail. It was a a girl running like a cheetah. I tried to ask if her feet were tired, but she went by too fast. She ended up having the 3rd fastest run overall averaging 6:03. This was my fastest run off the bike for an Olympic to date.
I ended up 5th overall and 1st in my age group because the overall winner was in my age group. I can't wait to race later in the season. I also ran into Phil. I haven't seen him in over a year. It looks like he is back to blazing the triathlon scene.
As I was getting ready to ride the bike, I ran into several locals (Karen, Lisa, Megan, Jared, Ellina, Ross, Micah, Travis). They also informed me the swim would be cut in half due to the cold temp, 52. :-( I like cold water :-) I grabbed my bike and warmed up for 20 minutes. The roads were wet and it was misty outside, so definitely no sunglasses for the race. I threw in a few 30" hard efforts then back to transition. I decided to switch the direction my bike was facing to cut my transition time down during the race. I went out for a short run to loosen the legs. Everything was set up. Have you ever tried to put a wet suit on when your wet from the rain/sweat? I wrestled with it for 5 minutes and finally won. Once the sprint racers were off, I swam out to the first buoy to acclimate to the water. The temperature was perfect, for me. The girls went first. We waited 5 minutes and were off.
SWIM - 13:22 (800-900 meters) 8th overall
The swim went well. I tried to start right behind Jared. The key word tried. I started to catch some of the swimmers in the previous wave by the first buoy. The second buoy had a hard right turn. It took a couple of strokes to get the next buoy in sight. The swim felt strong. The brand new XTERRA VENDETTA was the main reason. No water in my wetsuit.
T1 - 1:33 2nd overall
As I ran up to my bike, I saw Ellina. I was taking off my wetsuit and heard Jared. I was very perplexed. I found out later, he was a little dizzy. Maybe he shouldn't have partied it up so hard last night. I put on my SPIUK, grabbed the LYNSKEY and did a Usain Bolt 100 meter sprint to the bike mount line.
BIKE - 1:04.15 (23.21mph) 8th overall
I was passed within the first mile by a guy who started out like he was being chased by a bear. I passed him back 2 miles later and never saw him again. I guess the bear had a taste of triathlete burger ;-) I was only passed by one other guy, who ended up as the eventual winner. I felt good on the bike. The course was relatively flat with several small rollers and false flats. I caught up to Karen around mile 12. I also saw Lisa, Jared, and Megan at the beginning of the out and back. Megan looked like a tiger chasing down her prey. Jared looked like he was doing tricks. I have never seen a guy ride on his handlebars during a race, very impressive. I think Lisa had NOZ. One second she was there, the next she was gone. I decided to test my bike handling skills as I weaved in and out of the cones. Actually, I had too much speed on the turn and veered into traffic. It was hard to tell who else was in front of me because of the duathletes racing.
T2 - 0:59 2nd overall
I dismounted, racked the bike, put on my NEWTONS, grabbed (visor, race belt and water bottle) and left transition all in under a minute. Try saying that 5 times fast.
RUN - 39:31 (6:35 pace) 12th Overall
I saw a 2 guys ahead of me within the first mile. I passed them both just after the first mile. During that time, I was also passed by 2 guys. One triathlete and one duathlete. I was back to zero on the overtaking of runners. I hit the turn around and saw a few people chasing me. I started to run scared. I tried to picture a guy with a chainsaw. It worked well until mile 5. I heard footsteps on the trail. It was a a girl running like a cheetah. I tried to ask if her feet were tired, but she went by too fast. She ended up having the 3rd fastest run overall averaging 6:03. This was my fastest run off the bike for an Olympic to date.
I ended up 5th overall and 1st in my age group because the overall winner was in my age group. I can't wait to race later in the season. I also ran into Phil. I haven't seen him in over a year. It looks like he is back to blazing the triathlon scene.
Friday, June 18, 2010
First Olympic of the season
Yesterday I jumped on the bike for a little over an hour. It was a short with a good effort. I forgot to replace the battery on the power meter, so no real data to report.
Today, I did a little bit of everything. I brought out all the replacement/new gear to make sure everything was gonna work for me tomorrow.
I went to the lake and swam with my brand new XTERRA VENDETTA. The difference between this suit and my other suit is huge. I swam 1500 meters and there was absolutely no water in my the suit.
I transitioned to the bike and did several pickups and one sustained effort. I felt strong. The GARMIN 310XT worked like a charm. I don't know why it has an autolap feature automatically set for every mile on the bike. I adjusted the watch while doing a wheelie with one hand ;-)
I grabbed the dogs and ran a quick 3 miles to get the legs moving.
I wore my race suit from OOMPH. It looks fast!!! It will be my first race with a one piece suit. I might use it for the longer races.
Today, I did a little bit of everything. I brought out all the replacement/new gear to make sure everything was gonna work for me tomorrow.
I went to the lake and swam with my brand new XTERRA VENDETTA. The difference between this suit and my other suit is huge. I swam 1500 meters and there was absolutely no water in my the suit.
I transitioned to the bike and did several pickups and one sustained effort. I felt strong. The GARMIN 310XT worked like a charm. I don't know why it has an autolap feature automatically set for every mile on the bike. I adjusted the watch while doing a wheelie with one hand ;-)
I grabbed the dogs and ran a quick 3 miles to get the legs moving.
I wore my race suit from OOMPH. It looks fast!!! It will be my first race with a one piece suit. I might use it for the longer races.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Fun swim this morning
There was a rumor floating around that a staff member was as fast if not faster than me. I asked her is she wanted to do some 200s today. She jumped in during the middle of my first set. I told her to warm up 400 and she could start the second set with me. It was 3x200 on 3:00, 2:50, 2:40. I wanted to descend the set, so my first one was 2:45. She was over 30meters behind. I pushed off for #2 and she was at least 12 meters from the wall. I finished up the set and saw her sitting on the side. I asked what happened. She didn't understand the set. I started my last set of 3x200s on 3:20. I wanted the last 200 to be the fastest one of the day. She didn't make the first one again. I finished with a strong swim at the end. She told me later, "It wasn't her day." She would be ready to swim with me next time. The workout totalled 3.9k.
I received my new race suit from Oomph. It looks awesome!!! I can't wait to race in it!!!
I received my new race suit from Oomph. It looks awesome!!! I can't wait to race in it!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A typical day in Washington - Cloudy with a good chance of rain
I woke up to a little light and gray clouds :-( As I was driving, I heard there was rain already in Seattle and it was only a matter of time before the water came.
I started the morning with an easy 3k of swimming. Lots of IM and pulling. The swim felt effortless. I got into a good rhythm for the entire workout.
After work, it seemed like I had a chance to get a ride and run in without getting wet. I rolled the dice and went outside. It was very windy and there was no sun. I tried to ride out the TT gate, but they have it closed Monday-Friday. I finished the warm up then went into 3x(20' + 10' cruise). The effort was at 40K. I felt strong. I lucked out with the weather. It sprinkled a little in the middle and at the end.
I contemplated running without the dogs because it seemed like the rain was coming. I didn't want Kona keeping me up all night, so I grabbed them and ran a quick 20'.
I started the morning with an easy 3k of swimming. Lots of IM and pulling. The swim felt effortless. I got into a good rhythm for the entire workout.
After work, it seemed like I had a chance to get a ride and run in without getting wet. I rolled the dice and went outside. It was very windy and there was no sun. I tried to ride out the TT gate, but they have it closed Monday-Friday. I finished the warm up then went into 3x(20' + 10' cruise). The effort was at 40K. I felt strong. I lucked out with the weather. It sprinkled a little in the middle and at the end.
I contemplated running without the dogs because it seemed like the rain was coming. I didn't want Kona keeping me up all night, so I grabbed them and ran a quick 20'.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Just a swim today
I swam 4.1k this morning. I really liked the set leading up to the main set. It was 3x(2x150 50fr50bk50fr + 100k fast + 100 swim). I descended the kicks and the swims. The main set was 2x (250 + 350 + 400). Each distance the average speed increase and the rest decreased. I felt good during most of the workout.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Amost hit by a little girl
I was going to run before the bike this morning. Instead I opted for a few more minutes of sleep. I headed out the door at 845. I was riding down McNeil. There was a little girl riding her bike a 1/4 mile ahead of me. I was getting ready to pass her when all of a sudden she decided to turn left in front of me. I had to hit the brakes. She was talking on a cell phone. The girl had to be around 10. She was so lucky, a car would've hit her.
I met up with the group at Forza just before 9. I expected more people to show up on such a beautiful day. I felt good today. I planned to only ride the 50 mile loop. W wanted to ride the 80 mile loop. I figured why not. I could just sit on his wheel and keep him company. I guess his plan was different. We rode side by side for most of Johnson creek road. I started to pull ahead before the turn. He stayed behind me as we neared the little shop. I assumed he we would ride the entire loop then refuel. I get to Texaco and he is no where to be seen. After 5 minutes, I call and text. No answer. I decide to leave after waiting 10 minutes. I go under the bridge and up the hill and he calls. He decided to stop and refuel in Bucoda. Thanks for letting me sit around and pick my nose.
I finish up and head straight home to let the dogs out. I took them to the field so they could play. Here is a picture of Kona waiting for the ball to be thrown.
I met up with the group at Forza just before 9. I expected more people to show up on such a beautiful day. I felt good today. I planned to only ride the 50 mile loop. W wanted to ride the 80 mile loop. I figured why not. I could just sit on his wheel and keep him company. I guess his plan was different. We rode side by side for most of Johnson creek road. I started to pull ahead before the turn. He stayed behind me as we neared the little shop. I assumed he we would ride the entire loop then refuel. I get to Texaco and he is no where to be seen. After 5 minutes, I call and text. No answer. I decide to leave after waiting 10 minutes. I go under the bridge and up the hill and he calls. He decided to stop and refuel in Bucoda. Thanks for letting me sit around and pick my nose.
I finish up and head straight home to let the dogs out. I took them to the field so they could play. Here is a picture of Kona waiting for the ball to be thrown.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Getting back to the grind
Yesterday, I sat on my trainer for 90 minutes. It was just an easy spin.
This morning I swam 4k. I like the main set of 40x50 on 45 pull with paddles. I guess Craig Walton, a former Australian Triathlete with a strong swim/bike combo, used to swim this set on a regular basis. I liked the set, it really gave me a good feel of the water and naturally made me focus on high elbows.
I was actually contemplating racing this weekend because of my lackluster performance last weekend. The only race close is Boise. If only the race was Sunday, I would have my redemption. I will redirect my energy back into training.
"The only easy day was yesterday."
This morning I swam 4k. I like the main set of 40x50 on 45 pull with paddles. I guess Craig Walton, a former Australian Triathlete with a strong swim/bike combo, used to swim this set on a regular basis. I liked the set, it really gave me a good feel of the water and naturally made me focus on high elbows.
I was actually contemplating racing this weekend because of my lackluster performance last weekend. The only race close is Boise. If only the race was Sunday, I would have my redemption. I will redirect my energy back into training.
"The only easy day was yesterday."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Post Oliver
Yesterday I ran the dogs for an easy 21 minutes. Then jumped on the bike for an easy 22 mile ride to Lakewood and back.
This morning I swam an easy 3k. At 4PM, I took the dogs for a short 4 mile run. I almost lucked out and stayed dry. The dogs were happy to run the last 2 days.
Monday, June 7, 2010
2010 Oliver Race Summary
We arrived at the race site at 5:40AM on Sunday. I pumped my tires and set up my gear. W was having troubles from the get go. He could not get his bike to shift out of 53-11. Luckily the mechanics showed up and fixed it quickly. Sometimes they say signs are everywhere and we simply choose to ignore them. Was this a sign for W?
I sat down and listened to the Ipod until 20 minutes to start. I put on my trusty Xterra Vendetta and walked over to the lake. I warmed up with 200 or so meters of swimming.
The swim was 2k, 100 meters longer than a normal half. I found a spot near the front. The gun sounded and I was off. It took a few hundred meters to get through traffic. I found a pair of feet to draft on and stayed with him until after the first turn. He slowed so I went around. I took the last turn and saw someone come around me. I tried to jump onto his feet, but his pace was a tad too fast. It was only 500 meters to the finish. No reason to kill myself. Swim time 29:50 average 1:30 per 100 meters.
There were wetsuit strippers as we exited the water. It was a half mile run to the transition area. I put on my Oakley's and Spiuk . Then I grabbed the Lynskey and headed out. The bike course was challenging with either winds or false flats. It took me a full loop before I could get into a good rhythm. I caught Jared just after getting onto Highway 97 for the last time. I said hi and kept going. I heard someone yelling to back off. Jared was drafting off of me and getting a verbal warning. Two miles later, Jared passed me drafting off another racer. The race official pulled him over and gave him a yellow card. During this time, I wondered why W had not passed me. I found out later he crashed. Definitely not a way to go out. The bike wouldn't shift and his tire was flat. He ended up with some bumps and bruises. My bike split was 2:29.26. I wanted to be a few minutes faster even though the course was 3k longer.
I had one of the fastest transitions in T2. I slipped my feet into the Newton Racers and grabbed my Newton Visor with water bottle and race number. I received lots of compliments on my race outfit from Oomph. The run did not feel good. I did not drink enough because my arms were starting to cramp a little. I tried to pop a salt tab and somehow managed to drop the entire vial. I turned around making sure I picked up enough. I knew that would come back to bite me later if I didn't. I got rid of my cramp in my side after 3 miles. I finally started to get into a groove. After 7 miles I started to get what felt like a blister. I let it get into my head. When I checked my foot later it was basically a hot spot, that may have turned into a blister if I didn't walk 5 times throughout the next few miles. I ended up with a 1:34.26 run time. I wanted to run a lot faster.
My final time was 4:38.06, 7th Division and 23rd Overall. I probably could have used a little more rest for the race. It's only the first race of the season. I expect a lot more out of myself as the season progresses.
For those of you looking for a great watch to use with triathlons, the Garmin 310XT is a must. I had it set on multisport mode with transitions. The swim distance was as posted, I had my power numbers for the bike, and I knew my mile pace on the run. It is waterproof and has a 20 hour battery life.
I sat down and listened to the Ipod until 20 minutes to start. I put on my trusty Xterra Vendetta and walked over to the lake. I warmed up with 200 or so meters of swimming.
The swim was 2k, 100 meters longer than a normal half. I found a spot near the front. The gun sounded and I was off. It took a few hundred meters to get through traffic. I found a pair of feet to draft on and stayed with him until after the first turn. He slowed so I went around. I took the last turn and saw someone come around me. I tried to jump onto his feet, but his pace was a tad too fast. It was only 500 meters to the finish. No reason to kill myself. Swim time 29:50 average 1:30 per 100 meters.
There were wetsuit strippers as we exited the water. It was a half mile run to the transition area. I put on my Oakley's and Spiuk . Then I grabbed the Lynskey and headed out. The bike course was challenging with either winds or false flats. It took me a full loop before I could get into a good rhythm. I caught Jared just after getting onto Highway 97 for the last time. I said hi and kept going. I heard someone yelling to back off. Jared was drafting off of me and getting a verbal warning. Two miles later, Jared passed me drafting off another racer. The race official pulled him over and gave him a yellow card. During this time, I wondered why W had not passed me. I found out later he crashed. Definitely not a way to go out. The bike wouldn't shift and his tire was flat. He ended up with some bumps and bruises. My bike split was 2:29.26. I wanted to be a few minutes faster even though the course was 3k longer.
I had one of the fastest transitions in T2. I slipped my feet into the Newton Racers and grabbed my Newton Visor with water bottle and race number. I received lots of compliments on my race outfit from Oomph. The run did not feel good. I did not drink enough because my arms were starting to cramp a little. I tried to pop a salt tab and somehow managed to drop the entire vial. I turned around making sure I picked up enough. I knew that would come back to bite me later if I didn't. I got rid of my cramp in my side after 3 miles. I finally started to get into a groove. After 7 miles I started to get what felt like a blister. I let it get into my head. When I checked my foot later it was basically a hot spot, that may have turned into a blister if I didn't walk 5 times throughout the next few miles. I ended up with a 1:34.26 run time. I wanted to run a lot faster.
My final time was 4:38.06, 7th Division and 23rd Overall. I probably could have used a little more rest for the race. It's only the first race of the season. I expect a lot more out of myself as the season progresses.
For those of you looking for a great watch to use with triathlons, the Garmin 310XT is a must. I had it set on multisport mode with transitions. The swim distance was as posted, I had my power numbers for the bike, and I knew my mile pace on the run. It is waterproof and has a 20 hour battery life.
Leading up to the Oliver
W and I had a good drive, the view of the mountains was amazing. I thought I killed a bird near Omak because I saw feathers. Luckily it was only dazed for a second then flew away. We left Lakewood at 10am and rolled into Oliver at 4pm. We picked up our race packets, ate dinner at a nearby pub, then checked into the hotel.
Saturday, we headed over to the race site for a short swim, bike, and run. It was sunny. A nice change from Washington. The water was nice. We thought a swimmer was off in the distance. It was a huge carp. The athlete guide said there was a possibility of jumping fish. We were now believers. We rode the northern loop and the biggest hill. On the way back I flatted. Thank goodness Jared was carrying his fanny pack. I forgot my CO2 adapter. After the bike we went out for a short run. I felt really good. We ate lunch at the local bistro. The food was good. We tried to get an espresso at the shop next door. It was not a good sign when the barista asked how to make an iced Americano. We went back to the hotel and cleaned our bikes. We dropped the bikes off at the race site and went back to the same pub for dinner. I ate a pasta with a spicy tomato sauce and grilled chicken breast. It was delicious two days in a row.

Saturday, we headed over to the race site for a short swim, bike, and run. It was sunny. A nice change from Washington. The water was nice. We thought a swimmer was off in the distance. It was a huge carp. The athlete guide said there was a possibility of jumping fish. We were now believers. We rode the northern loop and the biggest hill. On the way back I flatted. Thank goodness Jared was carrying his fanny pack. I forgot my CO2 adapter. After the bike we went out for a short run. I felt really good. We ate lunch at the local bistro. The food was good. We tried to get an espresso at the shop next door. It was not a good sign when the barista asked how to make an iced Americano. We went back to the hotel and cleaned our bikes. We dropped the bikes off at the race site and went back to the same pub for dinner. I ate a pasta with a spicy tomato sauce and grilled chicken breast. It was delicious two days in a row.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Getting ready for the first half ironman of 2010
I could not believe there was light on my drive in at 4:45am. There wasn't a cloud in site. Will it be a nice day?
I started the morning with 2k of swimming. The main set was 12x100 on 1:35 descending every 3. The first one at ironman pace, the second at half-ironman pace, and the third at olympic pace. Originally I was going to do the set on the 1:40. I was getting too much rest, do dropped down to 1:35 after the first one. I felt fast and effortless in the pool.
I quickly changed and headed out for a run with the dogs. I was running on air. I did 6x30 second pickups. The dogs have learned the cue for fast running. Ready, GO!!! When I say go they both look at me, as if I am holding them back. I know if I took them off leash they would crush me. I managed to run 4.5 miles at under 7 minute pace. Less than 10% of the workout was fast, the rest was warmup, easy, and cool down.
I jumped on the trainer after work for 90 minutes. I threw in a few fast efforts to keep the legs fresh.
Looking forward to the weekend!!!
I started the morning with 2k of swimming. The main set was 12x100 on 1:35 descending every 3. The first one at ironman pace, the second at half-ironman pace, and the third at olympic pace. Originally I was going to do the set on the 1:40. I was getting too much rest, do dropped down to 1:35 after the first one. I felt fast and effortless in the pool.
I quickly changed and headed out for a run with the dogs. I was running on air. I did 6x30 second pickups. The dogs have learned the cue for fast running. Ready, GO!!! When I say go they both look at me, as if I am holding them back. I know if I took them off leash they would crush me. I managed to run 4.5 miles at under 7 minute pace. Less than 10% of the workout was fast, the rest was warmup, easy, and cool down.
I jumped on the trainer after work for 90 minutes. I threw in a few fast efforts to keep the legs fresh.
Looking forward to the weekend!!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1, 2010
I assumed my swim would be hard this morning because of the long weekend of training. The main set was 4x (200fast on 2:50 + 300 pace on 5:20). The purpose was to start out fast like you would in the race then settle into your pace. I felt really good on this set. The first one felt good. On the second one, I went faster on the 200. The 300 was the same speed. I switched it up for the third one. I backed off a little on the 200 and ended up 2 sec/100 faster for the 300. I went slower on the fourth 200 and was 1 sec/100 faster for the 300. What should I do for the race this weekend? Hmmm...
I just finished a 7mile run. After a good warm up, I threw in several pick ups to get the legs moving. Kona decided how fast we were going to run. If she felt good, we ran low 5 minute pace. If she wasn't in the mood, we ran 6 minute pace. Nothing like trying to run fast when your dog is going to act like a weight. It was a good run. I was glad to miss the rain. They are predicting lots of rain for the next few days. :-(
I just finished a 7mile run. After a good warm up, I threw in several pick ups to get the legs moving. Kona decided how fast we were going to run. If she felt good, we ran low 5 minute pace. If she wasn't in the mood, we ran 6 minute pace. Nothing like trying to run fast when your dog is going to act like a weight. It was a good run. I was glad to miss the rain. They are predicting lots of rain for the next few days. :-(
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