Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ocean Shores Olympic

Where I do begin...

The morning began at 3:15AM. Luckily I went to bed at 8:30 the night before. Crowieto rolled up at 3:50. We were off to the race site by 4AM. We pulled into Ocean Shores at 5:30. Crowieto wanted a coffee. Nothing opened until 6. Was this our sign of how the day was going to play out?

We drove to the race hotel. Crowieto found a cup of coffee, I walked around. I saw him sleeping on the couch and thought a nap would be good for me too. I got a nice 10 minute nap on the love seat. It was just after 6 and I was wondering where the race packet pick-up would start. After 10 minutes, we realized it was at the race site. DOH!!!

We grabbed our bikes and walked over to registration. The line moved very s l o w l y. We set up our areas. I left my shoes in the car. Of course time is ticking away. I finally have everything set up and get ready to warm up. It would help if I put on my race suit. Tick tock. Tick tock. I head out for a 20 minute warm-up. As I calibrate the powermeter, it decides this will be the first day of displaying crazy numbers. I was holding 2000 watts for the warm-up. If I could do that, I would win the Tour de France riding my bike backwards. I thought I was riding part of the course. Not even close. I might as well of been in another country. I saw a couple of deer sitting in a front lawn. Then I saw a sign that had several animals on it. Really? Beware of animals? Crazy!!! I finish up my warm-up and they are talking about the race. Hopefully I didn't miss anything important.

The half ironman started a little after 730AM. As I look at the water, I see the the turn around buoy for the Olympic racers. It looks like it is too close. All the buoys seem a little too close for the different races. I put on my XTERRA VENDETTA and warm-up.

SWIM - 15:54 for 0.67 miles
I decided to line up behind broken Karen. Even though she was broken, I wouldn't count her out for an open water swimmer. The race starts and I see a guy sprint out in front. He was definitely moving. Karen moved ahead of me then Alicia. I decided to draft off them. I kind of got into a zone. I look up and they are 10 yards away. I figured they were swimming crooked. Especially since Karen had to overcompensate with her good arm ;-)  We hit the turn buoy and they extend their lead. I pick the second dock as my reference point. Oops, wrong dock. The sprint racers were getting ready to start. I hear, "Turn you dufus!" I look up and notice I overshot the water exit. UGH!!!

T1 - 0:26
This was my second fastest/shortest transition ever. I put on the SPIUK, grab the LYNSKEY, and take off.

BIKE - 1:00.09 for 24 miles
I catch the girls and pass them within the first mile. I guessed there was only one male in front of me, the super swimmer. I watched a cyclist in front of me approaching the first set of cones. The volunteer tells them to go straight thru then changes his mind and says left. I was already going thru the intersection as I hear this. I slow down to turn around and take a right. GRR!!! I wasn't sure when I passed Aquaman, but think it was in the next 5 miles or so. I caught up to Lisa before my turn around. I think her woman's intuition radar went off. I saw her sitting up. Why would you sit up on a flat course into the wind? Is it more efficient to drive with your head sticking out of your sunroof? She looks back and then is back into Aero. I tell her good job and motor along. After the half way, I see that no one is close too me. I keep on the throttle. I see a 4 point buck in the grassy median. He decides to jump out in front of me. I hit my brakes and shake my head. Didn't anyone teach him to look both ways before crossing the road? At mile 18 I catch up to a car that is causing me to tap my brakes. Seriously?!? I have to slow down because a car can't figure out how to safely pass the cyclists. Really? GRR!!!

T2 - 0:21
This was my fastest/shortest transition. I put on my NEWTON RACERS & VISOR.

RUN - 40.04 10k
I started the first mile with a slight cramp. I worked it out as I hit the beach. We had a 200 meter section in soft sand then ran a little over a mile on hard sand. I thought this was a unique run. I hit the turn around and check my time to get a gauge of who will be coming up on me. I don't see another racer for 3.5 minutes. I didn't think anyone was in front of me. I acted if someone was to see how fast I could finish. My last mile and a half was sub 6 minute pace. Not too shabby.

Crowieto-Overall Half Ironman winner (Even though he couldn't stay on course if there was a moto pacer in front of him)
Karen-Overall Female Olympic winner (Broken and all)
Lisa-2nd Female Half Ironman (Girl who only rides Aero if I am around)
Christopher - Personal Best (Redemption from the curse of Elma).

Next up, Vineman 70.3 on July 18.

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