Sunday, July 5, 2009

End of a long week...

I ran for a little over hour this morning. I actually felt pretty good. My sophmoron buddy (SB) decided he would run at my pace. I gotta say it is nice to have someone to run with. The dogs really don't talk much. The only problem is SB doesn't know how to pace himself. Especially since SB recently finished an ironman. I personally like to start at a comfortable pace and pick it up after 3-4 miles. SB likes to run at any pace that is slightly faster than my current pace. SB has already extrapolated that our run times will intersect in March 2010.

We did a short 3 mile loop because his dogs are into biting people more than running. We were about 400m away from the house to drop the dogs off. SB decides to pick up the pace for 200m then stop. I laugh on the inside because I have 7 miles to go and know SB wouldn't be able to keep up.

The battles will begin to heat up for the next 20 weeks.

The plan for rest of the day is a nap and chillin.

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