Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Longest swim...

I did not sleep well Sunday night. Actually I couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep at 3AM. In the past, this meant I was over training. What doesn't make sense, I had a great swim later in the afternoon. I was not expecting to have a great swim because my legs were sore from the bike and run over the weekend.

I can't believe how much faster my aerobic pace has increased. The main set was (100, 100, 200), 4 times through. The first 100 send descended each round, the second 100 was on a short rest send-off, and the 200 was on a short rest send-off. The last set was basically short rest for everything. It was a really good set to be able to negative split with fast 200s at the end. After that set, there was 800 of cruise efforts. Then I finished up with 4x200 pull with paddles. I did these on 2:50. I was able to descend all 4. I finished up with 5k of swimming. The longest swim of the season.

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